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Monday, January 25, 2010

Now adays got training 3 times a week its killer sia la no time to study or anything i hate it espescially no time to see my dar i miss him sooo much~ I am dead time sia 2 pt training per week 1 pe lesson and 1 sea training and i even got extra training on sat but luckily its not every week if not i will be dead now. I like only see my bf 2-3 times a week i hate it i miss him so much.... Ytd i got hit by the basketball 2 times ow it hurts loads~ now i really scared of the guys playing basketball liao..... today training was killer wo we did abt 200+jumping jacks and 200+push ups my arms and thigh almost broke it really hurt.......... i love my dar and miss him loads he is the 1 who i think of when i super sad and he keeps he not tired

happyy-stop ♥ 5:27 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Its been a week since I update my blog so well on wed my dar's friend Hong Tong smsed me and I met my dar at jurong point as i was there with alyssa eating lunch.. there I saw my dar,his friend kelvin and my dar's brother chee woon.... Chee Woon went to safra to play pool and kelvin went there to play lan....

On 14 jan I had my first month anniversery with my dar it wasnt the best anniversery I could have i spend 1 hour talking to his friend Hong Tong from 5-6 o clock and I found out Hong Tong is a really nice, cute, shy and funny guy, the total opposite of my bf except of the nice and funny part cos my bf is the a funny and nicest guy to me...... He gave me a present and it was totally sweet and I gave him a teddy bear since my dar loves bear

On 15 jan i had cca which is boring because i had pt first from 2-3.10.... we were allowed to start sea training at 4.... when we reach there we were waiting for our coaxen joshua and ivan .... we ended up going on the dragon boat without them... while training i train till my shoulder muscle tore and it felt like a needle poking my shoulder....

On 16 jan I went to my dar's house but he was sick and having fever range from 38.3-39.3 so he spend most of the day sleeping and I go for a walk ever 1hour for abt 10min......

Anyway today 17 jan he recovered so I went to his hse at abt 11am and watch tv for awhile till 12pm and slept till 3.50pm and went down at 4 to play bball, actually his father didnt let him go down but his brother chee woon helped him......We went down to play with Jun Rong and after awhile Hong Tong came down so 4 of us, Jun Rong, Hong Tong my dar and I talked for awhile then in the end they played with a group of guy... After the game Hong Tong, my dar and I went to buy a bottle of drink to share among 4 of us...... i went to my dar's hse at 6.10 and left there at 6.30 on the way to pioneer mrt I said bye to Jun Rong and Hong Tong and went home.....

happyy-stop ♥ 4:57 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

On Firday 8Jan we were preparing to recruit secondary 1s to join our ccas..... We gotta set up our booth for my cca NCCsea..... I gotta wear my no.3 navy uniform and go around and give flyers..... I screamed my heart out non stop.... I was holding my NCCsea paddle and walk around and screaming join NCCsea... I stayed at school until 9 to pei emilyn and around 7-8+ I was playing with Emilyn, Samantha, Hubert and Charlton it was really fun and enjoyable but i miss my Dar sooooo muchhhhhh~~....
I got to meet my Dar ytd and i went with him to the library but before i met him i went to meet Colin and Kah Wai cos i didnt know how to go Jurong West library. In the end my Dar brought me to the library, there i saw his teacher Mr Fardhil and Colin and Kah Wai came soon after..... about 3+ i went to my Dar house and spend sometime there at 4 he went to play bball downstairs and he played till about 6+ almost 7 and came back up..... Today i went to meet my Dar at 11 till about 8, I am glad to meet my Dar even 1 day not seeing him it makes me miss him sooo much....

happyy-stop ♥ 6:43 AM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

sian second day of sch well its ok i guess we got to meet out teachers.....

Maths... sian i aint with emilyn at Mr. Paul T class i aint sure if i can study at Mr.Lum class because its air con and i think i will fall asleep during class and i cant let that happen....

Physcis.... well Mr.Tan is nice and funny although his teaching is fast but i get it.... it was damn funny that Mr.Tan was surprise that my class was really quiet, most teacher will want my class to be that quiet lols........

English.... Ms Goh is the best she is really nice, funny and really cute although she is the HOD of eng......I thought she was gonna be really strict but i think she gonna make me enjoy english :D....

Chinese..... still Zeng Yan so its ok she aint that bad but hopefully can pass chinese this time....

Chemistry.....Ms Yang well my first impression of her aint great and i think my class feels the same well i hope i can pass chemistry but i still always prefer Mr Firhad..... But i guess we gotta try to like her....

Geog..... Mrs Low well at least not Mrs. Oh so hopefully i can pass geog.... we got to have class at humanities room yays~ but my class is kinda noisy so hopefully can study cos i gotta pass geog!

Anyway.... Yays damn happy got to see my bf lols he fetch my after sch.... he lied to me but i guess he wanna surprise me how sweet i love him loads.....so yeah he went home with me to get my laptop to bring to his hse so that his brother could use.....as usual he went to play bball and 1 of his friend ask if i could friend him....weird..... i wish i could spend longer time with my bf i miss him so much~~

happyy-stop ♥ 4:41 AM

Monday, January 4, 2010

As sch start I got lesser time to spend with my bf I miss him soo much~ This morning he gave me a morning call at 6:22am and i was sooo sleepy as it was raining and damn cooling...I was abt to go back to sleep when he hang up but then he smsed me so I got up and brush my teeth and changed.... when I was dressed and abt to tie my hair he called me again and chat awhile before going to school....

Today is the first day of sch so sian......today we got to choose our class chairman, class captian, it rep and NE ambassador and i was voted for 3 times and gotta go out of the class for 3 times so troublesome..... They wanted to vote me for chairman, captain and NE ambassador luckily I wasnt chosen if not I will be totally stressed out just like last time being part of the class committie is the hardest thing to do 2 years of being part of it I had enough its too much responsibility for me to handle.... Not much change abt my class still as funny as before and enjoyable to be in........ as today was raining we gathered at our classroom which was changed from the first floor to the second floor how sad sec 4 and still gotta climb stairs.... 4K was bigger than I expected, we gotta "steal" chairs from the other class as there werent enough chairs and tables at out class..... in all i think there is abt 42 or 43 students in my class.......

But I am worried as mid years, prelims and 'N' levels are so soon it is in sept I pray to god that I could pass... Many new people in my class and new name for my class 4K I think I cant get use to it, when some1 says 4K it feels so weird, its the first time our sch has class 4J,4K and 4L and its also weird cos the sec 4 level is 4A-4E, 4I-4L there is a gap from express and NA,NT.......it is like seperating us from the express and like saying we aint good enough to be behind the express class..

Jia yo 4K fighting~ Ur can do it!

happyy-stop ♥ 3:45 AM



Thats my name
Fairfield Methodist Sec.
1G, 2007
2H, 2008
3H, 2009
4K, 2010
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